Friday, January 25, 2008

Tubes, Tonsils, and Adnoids... Oh My

It is becoming the end to a very long day and much needed sleep is on its way. Andrew and Logan went in for surgery this morning. Dr. Hackett said Logan would be back in our arms in 10 minutes and honestly he must have performed the surgery in the hallway because there is no way I could have even walked the hallway that fast. Andrews was longer of course but so far so good. He woke up crying (I expected that) and was upset for a couple of hours but for lunch he had a hot dog and for dinner he had soup and salad. Who would have thought?

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Okay, now we have another child getting tubes in his ears. Logan went to the ENT yesterday and is scheduled to have it done on the 25th with Andrew. Are we crazy to have both kids done at the same time? I don't think so. Hopefully they will respond well to surgery and all will be okay.

Joshua has started inflicting himself with bites and scratches. as I write this it makes him sound off his rocker but I think he is just seeing what happens. After his scratches scab over he has taken to pulling off the scabs because he doesn't like the way they feel.

I met Larry for lunch yesterday. I love when we have an opportunity to just be alone doing nothing. When we do happen to find that time it always reminds me of an "Everybody Loves Raymond" episode where Debbie and Ray go on a date and try not to talk about their kids. They end up having a conversation about butter. ha ha Sometimes that is us.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

New Year

Wow, it has been a very fast year. Logan has started sleeping through the night which has been wonderful. When I look at him I can't believe he might be our last baby. Sometimes when I see his little hands or feet I think this could be the last little baby hand or foot of mine. On the other hand I think about having all the kids independent and opening a bakery. I don't know if I want another one or not.

Nick's birthday was yesterday. It is so weird to think he is 8 years old. I am a completely different person than I was 8 years ago. I look back and think about what was important to me then and how certain things upset me. I am more laid back now and not as uptight about what people think. At least I think I am less uptight. Maybe I need to see what other people think, lol.

Andrew is going to have his tonsils removed and tubes put in on the 25Th this month. I am nervous for him. I know my own tonsillectomy was a fluke and that Andrew has the risk of bleeding internally but more than likely he will be just fine. I am trying not to let Larry see that I am scared for Andrew. He would think it is silly because it is not going to happen again. And at the same time I am trying not to let my mom see that I am nervous because she is convinced it is going to happen again and I don't want her to worry.

Josh is proving to be a computer wizard. HE gets on his computer and makes it do things that me and Larry can't figure out what he does. For a kid who can't read he can navigate the computer very easily. We wanted to hook the Internet up for the boys but now we are not sure what they might come across or what computer system Josh will hack into.